Yinde River ancient village

Yindehe Village is located in the northwest of Qiankunwan Town, Yonghe County, on the bank of the Yellow River. It is only 15 minutes' drive from the Qiankun Bay scenic spot, and it is the only village that can overlook the whole village from the Qiankun Bay. It used to be called Duck River Village, but now it still has xiongnu-style cave dwellings. The layout of the whole village also implies the traditional Chinese architectural layout. Yinde River village is the birthplace of rosefinch, a symbol of the quartet.
Yinde River village is said to be the birthplace of the rosefinch, a symbol of the four directions. There is a long standing Yellow River culture here, a profound culture of virtue and filial piety here, and a brilliant red culture here. There are yuejin Big fish Pond, tonggen old locust tree, Dexiao Cultural wall, folk Museum and other scenic spots in the village. At present, the tourism routes in the village are being planned, including yuecheng ruins, ancient villages, love jujube forest, Yellow River beach and other scenic spots, forming a complete rural tourism system. There are 8 families in the village, 16 hole cave farmhouse, not only can find the living experience of the village cave, but also can enjoy modern high-quality service like a hotel.